Interview: Alyson from the blog “Sugar and Bash”

Where did you grow up? I was born in Huntington Beach, California and moved to a tiny little town called Sequim up in Washington. If you love lavender, head up there for the festival!


When did your interest in design start? It started back when I rented my first studio and had a little too much fun adding color and creating mood boards. The place was ugly and small, but after I was done it was a masterpiece! I enrolled in an interior design program a month later.

What is your favorite part of your job? I love creating things, whether it be designing a living room for a client or diy-ing vases! It’s all fun and gives me a chance to be creative! Making people happy is also pretty cool, haha.


When did you feel it was the right time to start a blog? I actually put it off for a long time, always making up excuses and complaining that there wasn’t enough time in a day. To be honest, I should have started it a long time ago. I use mine to mainly document my favorite trends and all the colorful things in life. It’s also a good source to have for clients that want a unique aesthetic.

Why “Sugar and Bash”? After what seems like a million years I finally settled on this name! I love baking, mostly sugar cookies, and that’s when “sugar” was born! Bash is actually a home decor line I am working on and hoping to introduce in the fall.


Where do you find inspiration? Oh man, everywhere! Pinterest is a huge help but when I go walking around the city, I find lots of beautiful colors and textures. Sometimes it’s good to get out and away from the computer once in a while.

What artists inspire you? Jennifer Daily is a great artist! I found her on Minted and was immediately drawn to her stuff. I also love Victoria Smith from Sf Girl By Bay. Have you seen her new book?! San Francisco through her eyes is incredible!


What is the work you are most proud of? I would have to say anytime a client is over the moon about a design or space I created is a very proud moment for me. The quality of work and detail you put into something like that is often overlooked so when it is recognized?! It’s the best!

I love the way you style pictures, it look like a story! What is your creative process on that? I think images should have a story behind them to create a good flow, whether it be a DIY post or taking you through the cutest flower shop ever! I try to keep my photos in order as I take them and luckily that has worked well for me.


Six quick questions:

Most beautiful place in Seattle? i would say kerry park or any dock on Lake Washington during summer.

Favorite blog? I’ve gotta bring up Sf Girl By Bay again! It’s such a beautiful blog!

Favorite design magazine/website? i’m a huge fan of Gray! It’s a local design magazine and they do an awesome job tying all forms of design into one unique magazine.

Favorite home decor piece? I love a good lamp!


Multicolor or unichrome? Multicolor of course!

Describe nordic design in three words: minimal, impactful, clean.

Thank you Alyson!


About The Lazy Frenchie

Journaliste et blogueuse, Aurélie vit à New York depuis 2011. Elle a travaillé pendant de nombreuses années dans l’événementiel et plus spécifiquement pour les industries de la mode et du luxe. Quelques fashion weeks plus tard, elle partage aujourd’hui son emploi du temps entre une école de langues à Tribeca, où elle enseigne le français, et l’écriture d’articles pour divers sites et blogs féminins. Ses sujets de prédilection sont New York, les voyages, la mode, la déco, le bien-être et tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin à la cuisine. Suivez-la en image : @the_lazy_frenchie. Pour plus d’informations, contactez-la à l’adresse suivante:

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