Friday was officially the first day of Spring, and even if it snowed all day, let’s say bye bye to this traumatizing winter. At the same time, let’s get out of hibernation mode and embrace the nice weather! “Hibernation” is also a word we use in French and not only to describe the winter lifestyle of a grizzly bear. We apply it to human behavior as well.
While we are talking about the change of season, I think it’s a good time to share some helpful vocabulary with you:
Let’s start with an easy one! In French, “season” is “saison.”
Tu aimes les Quatre Saisons de Vivaldi? – Do you like the Four Seasons of Vivaldi?
C’est la haute saison en Thailande. – It’s high season in Thailand.
“Winter” is “hiver,” “spring” is “printemps,” “summer” is “été,” and “fall” is “automne” (yes, it sounds almost exactly the same as “autumn”).
Je déteste l’hiver. – I hate winter.
Ma saison préférée est l’été. – My favorite season is summer.
J’adore les rouleaux de printemps! – I love spring rolls!