“Visiter” is what we call a “fake friend” in French. A fake friend is a word with a similar (or the exact same) spelling of an English word but the meaning is different.
The verb “visiter” can be used to talk about visiting a place, just like in English:
Cet été, je visite Paris. – This summer, I’m visiting Paris.
Je veux visiter le musée d’art moderne. – I want to visit the Museum of Modern Art.
So why is it a fake friend, you’re wondering?!
Because you cannot use it to mean “visit a person”. Never. The correct expression is “rendre visite.” Note that it is followed by the little word “à.”
Tu rends visite à ta famille pour Noël. – You’re visiting your family for Christmas.
Nous rendons visite à nos amis à Bruxelles. – We are visiting our friends in Brussels.