Tout le monde connaît les vêtements H&M. Ils font aussi de la déco! J’ai vu la collection à Washington. C’était dans le magasin de Georgetown. Beginner: H&M DécoThis entry was posted in Beginner and tagged Beginner French H&M Home Decor Learn French Practice French Shopping on December 2, 2014 by The Lazy Frenchie
“Shopping” means the same thing in English but the grammar is slightly different. In English, you would say “I am shopping,” but you can’t say that in French. Instead, you […] Vocabulary: ShoppingThis entry was posted in Vocabulary and tagged Advanced Beginner French Intermediate Learn French Practice French Shopping Vocabulary on December 1, 2014 by The Lazy Frenchie
J’adore fouiner sur Etsy, toujours à la recherche de nouveaux artistes. Et comme je suis fan des bouledogues français, j’aime l’art qui les met à l’honneur. C’est comme ça que […] Advanced: Coco de Paris, artiste peintreThis entry was posted in Advanced and tagged Advanced Art Artist Coco de Paris Design Etsy French French bulldog Painting Paris on November 29, 2014 by The Lazy Frenchie
J’aime Etsy pour découvrir de nouveaux artistes. J’adore les bouledogues français et l’art. Grâce à Etsy, j’ai trouvé le mélange des deux! Coco de Paris est un artiste qui peint […] Intermediate: Coco de Paris, artiste peintreThis entry was posted in Intermediate and tagged Art Artist Coco de Paris Design French French bulldog Home Decor Intermediate Learn French Painting Paris on November 29, 2014 by The Lazy Frenchie
J’adore Etsy. C’est bien pour découvrir des artistes. Je suis fan des bouledogues français. J’aime aussi l’art. L’artiste “Coco de Paris” fait des peintures de bouledogues. Il peint aussi d’autres animaux. Beginner: Coco de Paris, artiste peintreThis entry was posted in Beginner and tagged Art Artist Beginner Coco de Paris Design Etsy French French bulldog Learn French Painting Paris on November 29, 2014 by The Lazy Frenchie
“Canon” means super pretty, gorgeous, stunning. It can be used to describe a person: Le mec de Sophie est canon (Sophie’s boyfriend is gorgeous.) Casual Vendredi: Canon (adj)This entry was posted in Expressions and tagged Advanced Beginner French French Slang Intermediate Learn French Practice French Slang Vocabulary on November 28, 2014 by The Lazy Frenchie
“Mec” is similar to “guy” in English. The only difference is that, in French, we don’t generally apply the term to females as you sometimes do in English. Casual Vendredi: Mec (n)This entry was posted in Expressions and tagged Advanced Beginner French Intermediate Learn French Practice French Slang Vocabulary on November 28, 2014 by The Lazy Frenchie
Je suis une grande fan de la marque Baggu. Je l’ai découverte il y a quelques mois chez Urban Outfitters. Advanced: Baggu, les sacs “made in Brooklyn”This entry was posted in Advanced and tagged Advanced Baggu Brooklyn Design fashion French Learn French Purse Shopping Bag Tote Bags on November 27, 2014 by The Lazy Frenchie
Je suis fan de la marque Baggu. Je l’ai découverte chez Urban Outfitters. Emily Sugihara et sa maman ont créé la marque ensemble. Elles voulaient des sacs de shopping solides […] Intermediate: Baggu, les sacs “made in Brooklyn”This entry was posted in Intermediate and tagged Baggu Brooklyn Design fashion French Intermediate Learn French Purse Shopping Bag Tote Bags on November 27, 2014 by The Lazy Frenchie